Are you bothered?

Are you finding it hard to concentrate on your creative work right now? I don’t know about you, but every night I lay down at 9pm with a light read because I’m practicing good sleep hygiene, by 9:05 my brain decides to take a nihilism spin and I’ve convinced myself that no one gives a f*ck about what I’m doing because the planet is about to catch fire. But then I fall asleep and wake up optimistic again. And I guess I should expand “right now” to include the last 7 years because this sums up my experience since, oh, 2016.

If you have the audacity to pursue your art in a time of crisis after crisis, if you have the chutzpah to share it, and especially, if you have the guts to ask money for it, I’d like to offer a different perspective if you (like me) occasionally (or nightly) ask yourself, Who cares?

For every crisis happening right now, I see a bold and passionate response. The world is currently robust with passion. Be present to it. Let it affect you. Let it bother you. Wail, grieve, shake your fist at the sky, do everything you can to effect change, but then offer your art in response, whatever that is for you.

Maybe I’m selfish, but your art helps me to stay persistent, to keep the faith, to remember there is always more beauty than crisis. I bet I’m not the only one.

This upcycled pretty and many others still up for grabs in my shop right now! Vacation followed by a quick commission turnaround, I’m back in flow this week. I have a new cocoon caftan design I’m working on, neutral boho dresses that I’m adding to my photo client closet (that will also be for sale), bolero-style lace jackets and yes, the mid-summer list is long.

In spite of these temperatures that make me so sleepy I feel like I’m back in the womb, I continue to make and share and dream and encourage. This is my response. What is yours?