Pardon me while I whip this out 🍆

I'm really calling on my Big Eggplant Energy rn.

I've always been risky. But getting sober in my 40s prepared me to bust through my 50s swinging. There's still just too much on the list of What I Want To Do With My Life that hasn't been crossed off.

My little sustainable design and fashion business is going as well as can be expected, considering I'm the designer/sourcer/maker/marketer/model/shipper. This is a place that I've been in many times over the 18 years I've been doing this. To scale means that I need to hire someone, even if it's models and hair+makeup for a proper photoshoot. And this is a place I can get easily overwhelmed and say, f*ckit, I'll just keep doing it all myself, which doesn't actually nudge the scale. All that being said, I'm also content. Not that I'm not still ambitious, but most days, I'm just basic happy.

All of this solitary time has allowed my imagination to meander and dammit if it doesn't keep going back to the idea of writing a book. That idea has inspired some action and I've actually had my butt in the chair on more days than not. This book idea has gone from Memoir to Women's Fiction to Magical Realism, I've even thought it could be a Graphic Novel. Trying to define the genre first has kept me circling the drain and not getting much actual writing done. Until, that is, I stumbled upon a genre that might not really be a genre called Addiction Fiction and that seems to have created an inviting container that I'm inspired to fill. I won't say that writing has been easier, f*ck no it's not easy, but there's been a lot less resistance to sitting down and doing it, even if it's been one not-very-good sentence after another.

So my next many newsletters may be filled with what is coming up as I'm plunking away at my keys. I'll feel too exposed to share actual excerpts but throwing out some hooks to see if I'm using the right bait feels...right. Plus engaged in all of these solitary acts is lonely AF. I'm also reading some book comps (competitors) to see how mine may fit but differ and I look forward to sharing those as well.

I'm strapping on my BEE and asking Failure to dance again and again. Some days I feel blissfully ignorant and some days I feel brave. What's your risky business these days?